On The Pan

The Little King visits Africa with his entourage. He is captured and is very nearly cooked and served up on…

Marching Along

The Little King is feeling low on Christmas Eve, so he joins a pair of homeless bums in admiring the…

Cactus King

The King takes a train trip through the wild west where he meets up with rodeo cowboys and wild indians….

Barnyard Brat

Disobedient donkey Spunky’s pranks create havoc amongst the sheep, geese and chicks until he’s publicly decried; a barnyard bully is…

Woos Whoopee

Felix is up all night at the Whoopee Club, having a hell of a time, overindulging himself with drink, and…

April Maze

Felix brings his nephews Inky and Winky to the park for a picnic. However, they always seem to be delayed….

Fidlin Fun

Cubby makes out with Honey who is the love of his life. But her father does not support the relationship…