Popeye is falling asleep as Pipeye, Peepeye, Poopeye and Pupeye practice their music. He makes them go to bed, and…
Little Sweepea
Popeye goes to visit Olive Oyl and, while she answers the door, Swee’Pea crawls out. Popeye volunteers to take him…
I Never Changes My Altitude
Popeye is sitting outside Olive’s lunchroom at the airport, distraught. She’s closed the business to fly away with an aviator….
I’m in The Army Now
Olive tells the boys she loves a man in a uniform, so they try to sign up at the recruiting…
Customers Wanted
Popeye and Bluto are running competing penny arcades, trying to bring in customers. Wimpy of course, he would gladly pay…
A Date To Skate
Popeye takes Olive roller skating in a rink; she’s never skated before, so he has to teach her, and she’s…
Mechanical Cow
Oswald wakes up grumpy and takes it out on his alarm clock, afterward trying his best to wake up the…
Tokio Jokio
A “captured” Japanese newsreel. Civilian defense shows an aircraft spotter painting spots on aircraft and a fire prevention HQ that…
Hittin’ The Trail For Hallelujah Land
Three workers on a riverboat sing the title tune, accompanying themselves on a banjo, a jew’s harp and bones. Meanwhile,…
The Rasslin’ Match
Amos walks into the Fresh Air taxi cab company where Andy is asleep. Woken up, Andy pretends to be working….